Dentist in White Plains NY
In order to make sure that your teeth and gums stay healthy, you will want to make sure that you keep up a great at-home teeth cleaning regimen, and that you come to see us at Polinsky Dental for periodic dental cleanings. Our
dentist in White Plains NY, Dr. Aaron Polinsky, will also perform dental exams to make sure that your mouth teeth, and gums remain healthy.
The most important thing you can do to help keep your teeth and gums healthy is to make sure that you brush and floss each day to remove dental plaque. Dental plaque is a substance which naturally forms in your mouth, and it cannot be avoided. However, it is important that all dental plaque is removed from teeth in order to keep teeth and gums healthy. Dental plaque contains acids which eat through tooth enamel and will cause cavities to form. When dental plaque remains on teeth, it will harden and turn into tartar. Tarter will adhere to your teeth, and cause deep pockets to form between your teeth and gums. Tartar, plaque, food debris and bacteria will all gather in these deep pockets and infection and gum disease will form. As you can see, dental plaque on teeth can lead to cavities and gum disease. This is why it is so important that dental plaque is effectively removed during brushing. It is impossible for anyone to make sure that all dental plaque is removed by brushing and flossing. And, once dental plaque turns into tartar, it can no longer be removed by brushing. So it is important to have periodic dental cleanings at our office. Dental plaque cannot be seen since it is a sticky and colorless film. It can be found on your teeth, between your teeth, or even below the gum line on the roots of the teeth. Removal of dental plaque and seeing our
dentist in White Plains NY for periodic dental exams are the two keys to having a healthy mouth.
For an appointment to see our
dentist in White Plains NY, contact us today.
Polinsky Dental
300 Martine Avenue
White Plains, New York 10601
(914) 684-2244
By Family Dental 2000
February 27, 2017
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